ago./in our village/two years/There wasn’t/any electricity .bravery/last year./a medal/for/They awarded him speaking/Jack fi

ago./in our village/two years/There wasn’t/any electricity
.bravery/last year./a medal/for/They awarded him
speaking/Jack finished/down./and sat/hurriedly
Last night someone/and stole the color TV/we were upstairs./while/broke into the house

1 bình luận về “ago./in our village/two years/There wasn’t/any electricity .bravery/last year./a medal/for/They awarded him speaking/Jack fi”

  1. 1\ There wasn’t any electricity in our village two years ago.
    => Quá khứ đơn
    => CT: There + was/were + not + N
    2\ They awarded him for a medal bravery last year.
    => Quá khư đơn
    3\ Jack finished speaking and sat down hurriedly.
    => Quá khứ đơn
    => việc xảy ra từ quá khứ
    4\ Last night someone broke into the house /and stole the color TV while we were
    =>CT: S + Ved/2 + …..

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