We all need to work togerther in order to fight_____racism and gender discrimination A.to B.against C.with D.from Trả lời chi

We all need to work togerther in order to fight_____racism and gender discrimination
Trả lời chi tiết:

2 bình luận về “We all need to work togerther in order to fight_____racism and gender discrimination A.to B.against C.with D.from Trả lời chi”

  1. $Đáp$ $án:$ $Chọn$ $B$
    $Giải$ $thích:$ $Vì$ $racism$ $and$ $gender$ $discrimination$ $nghĩa$ $là$ $phân$ $biệt$ $chủng$ $tộc$ $và$ $giới$ $tính$ $mà$ $các$ $từ$ $to$ $nghĩa$ $là$ $đến$, $with$ $nghĩa$ $là$ $với$, $from$ $nghĩa$ $là$ $từ$ $và$ $against$ $nghĩa$ $là$ $chống$ $lại$ $vì$ $thế$ $chọn$ $từ$ $against.$

    Trả lời
  2. We all need to work togerther in order to fight_____racism and gender discrimination
    → B.against
    Vì fight + against hay fight + for : chống lại vì điều gì

    Trả lời

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