Giúp mik với :((!!! II. Complete the sentences with the present continuous form of the verbs. A. Jenny: Hi Zoe! _______ (you

Giúp mik với :((!!!
II. Complete the sentences with the present continuous form of the verbs.
A. Jenny: Hi Zoe! _______ (you/wait) for the London train?
Zoe: No, ______ (I/meet) my mother off the train from Bristol.
B. Mandy: _________ (this music/disturb) you?
James: No, not at all. _______ (I/enjoy) it.
C. Tom: _______ (anyone/use) this room today?
Ellie: ________ (we/have) a meeting here lunch, but its free now.
D. Nina: Why ______ (those people/shout)?
Finn: _______ (they/demonstrate) against the new taxes.
E. Ben: ________ (you/apply) for university?
Craig: ________ (I/think) about it, but I havent decided yet.
F. Ava: ___________ (Jane/leave) work early today?
Kate: Yes, _______ (she/fly) to Brussels at five oclock .
G. Josh : _______ (you/come) to th party on Thursday?
Max: No, _____ (I/work) ) lat, unfortunately.

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