Write an essay about the following topic : Listenibg to music gives us a lot of advantages but sometimes it takes us some tro

Write an essay about the following topic : Listenibg to music gives us a lot of advantages but sometimes it takes us some troubles

1 bình luận về “Write an essay about the following topic : Listenibg to music gives us a lot of advantages but sometimes it takes us some tro”

  1. $Bạn$ $tham$ $khảo$ $nhé$:
    When you listen to music, brain activity slows down at certain stages, to move short-term memories from temporary storage to the prefrontal cortex, where they are recorded in real time. long time. Besides, the music perception ability of people who often listen to music at night can also be significantly improved. Hearing loss will gradually decline if continuously exposed to sound with intensity 85–90dB for more than 2 hours/day, and lasts for 1-2 years. Most conventional headphones have a peak power of up to 120db, causing a lot of sound pressure directly to the nerve cells. Meanwhile, Vietnam suffers from serious noise pollution, leading to the tendency of many people to regularly use headphones at high volume to drown out outside noise. Many people also have the habit of listening to loud and continuous music before going to bed.

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