Why is Ocean Water Salty (Viết dài và Trả lời bằng Tiếng Anh) *có tâm với số điểm*

Why is Ocean Water Salty (Viết dài và Trả lời bằng Tiếng Anh)
*có tâm với số điểm*

2 bình luận về “Why is Ocean Water Salty (Viết dài và Trả lời bằng Tiếng Anh) *có tâm với số điểm*”

  1.            The amount of salt in sea water is generated from rocks, sediments on the sea floor. This salt also escapes from volcanic eruptions located deep in the ocean. In addition, large amounts of salt in the oceans originate from the land surrounding the ocean. When rainwater falls, it dissolves minerals, rock salts, and dry soil, sending them out into rivers. The amount of salt accumulated in rivers is gradually brought to the oceans when river water flows into the sea through estuaries. Just like that, over time, the salt is gradually deposited into the sea, making the sea water salty. This salt into the sea is concentrated by the heat of the sun, causing the water on the surface to rise, leaving the salt to stay. The salinity of seawater in ocean regions is different, as in the polar regions, seawater is not as salty as in other places because here the annual melting of ice is thinning the seawater. While in the tropics, around the equator, the heat is hot, causing the amount of water vapor to rise many times more than elsewhere, this makes the sea water here more salty.Globally, seawater salinity is increasing, as temperatures rise, part of the Atlantic Ocean evaporates, and seawater salinity increases. This proves that in the oceans with more and more salt, the sea water is becoming more and more salty, it has slowed the ocean currents, affecting the circulation of essential nutrients in the ocean.The salinity of seawater depends on many different factors. First: It depends on factors such as the extent of ice melt, the amount of water flowing from rivers and streams, the degree of evaporation, precipitation, snowfall, wind, wave motion and the movement of ocean currents. All of these factors cause variations in the salinity of seawater in different regions of the world. The second thing: In the polar regions, the sea water is not as salty as in other places because here every year the ice melts and dilutes the sea water. While in the tropics, around the equator, the heat is hot, causing the amount of water vapor to rise many times more than elsewhere, this makes the sea water here more salty.  The sea with the most salinity (40 o/oo) belongs to the Black Sea and the Persian Gulf region. These are the two areas with the highest evaporation rate of seawater. Comparing major oceans, the Atlantic Ocean has the highest salinity of seawater with an average salinity of about 37.9 o/oo. In the North Atlantic alone, the Sargasso Sea is the area with the highest salinity with an area of ​​​​about 5.18 square kilometers. The relatively high salinity of sea water in this area is partly due to the temperature. This sea has quite high temperature (about 28oC).In the beginning, the ancient sea contained only a small amount of salt and did not reach the salinity of today. But after the first rains hit the young Earth hundreds of millions of years ago, the water broke through geological layers and transported minerals to the sea. Since then, the ocean began to gradually become saltier. It is estimated that rivers and streams from the United States that flow into the sea annually carry 225 million tons of dissolved solids and 523 million tons of sediment to supply the oceans. A recent calculation shows that the mass of dissolved solids from the soil ranges from 2.3 tonnes per square kilometer in Australia to 46.3 tonnes per square kilometer in Europe. It is estimated that all the rivers of the world carry 4 billion tons of dissolved mineral salts into the sea each year. This amount of salt will stay on the ocean floor and gradually form new deposits. In other words, the amount of salt going in and out of all the oceans on Earth is currently balanced.Thus, the amount of salt entering the ocean as dissolved and leaving the ocean as sediment still does not explain the origin of the salty taste of seawater. We still know, salt is always concentrated in the sea and cannot move with water vapor. When the sun transfers heat to the sea surface, almost pure water vapor rises, but the mineral salts remain in the sea.
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  2. Why is Ocean Water Salty ?
    Causes : 
    – Carbonic acid : axit cacbonic
    – Minerals : khoáng chất
    – Runoff from land : dòng chảy từ đất liền
    – Openings in the sea floor : Khe hở dưới đáy biển

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