4. Paula knew how to cook well when she was eleven. Paula could 5. Its not good to think of only yourself. You shouldn’t 6.

4. Paula knew how to cook well when she was eleven.
Paula could
5. Its not good to think of only yourself.
You shouldn’t
6. Why dont we join a programme that helps the elderly?
7. The wall has too many advertisements and graffiti.
There are
8. Shall we donate all our old books to the library?
How about

2 bình luận về “4. Paula knew how to cook well when she was eleven. Paula could 5. Its not good to think of only yourself. You shouldn’t 6.”

  1. 4, 5 Bạn tham khảo câu này ạ: 5222983
    6. Let’s join a programme that helps the elderly.
    – Why don’t we+ V? Tại sao chúng ta không làm gì
    ≈ Let’s+ V: Hãy làm gì 
    7. There are too many advertisements and graffities on the wall.
    – There are+ N số nhiều đếm được
    – on+ mặt phẳng 2D
    8. How about donating all our old books to the library?
    – Shall we+ V? Chúng ta hãy làm gì ?
    ≈ What/ How+ about+ Ving? Thế còn làm gì thì sao?

    Trả lời
  2. 4. Paula could cook very well when she was eleven.
    -> could/can (not) + V =  có thể
    -> Dịch: Paula có thể nấu ăn rất ngon khi cô ấy 11 tuổi.
    5. You shouldn’t think of only yourself.
    -> should (not) + V = nên 
    -> Dịch: Bạn không nên nghĩ cho mình bạn.
    6. Let’s join a programme that helps the elderly!
    -> Let’s + V = Hãy…
    -> Dịch: Hãy tham gia một chương trình giúp đỡ người già nào
    7. There are too many advertisements and graffiti on the wall. 
    -> There are/is = Có…
    -> Dịch: Có rất nhiều quảng cáo và tranh vẽ trên tường
    8. How about donating all our books to the library?
    -> How about + V_ing 
           Why don’t we + V
    -> Dịch: Tại sao chúng ta không quyên góp những quyển sách cho thư viện?

    Trả lời

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