1.We wish Tom and Mary….. (go) to the concert. 2. They wish they….(go) around. 3. He wishes it …( not ra

1.We wish Tom and Mary….. (go) to the concert.

2. They wish they….(go) around.

3. He wishes it …( not rain) too much.

4. You wish you….(have) a chance to speak to her

2 bình luận về “1.We wish Tom and Mary….. (go) to the concert. 2. They wish they….(go) around. 3. He wishes it …( not ra”

  1. 1. We wish Tom and Mary went to the concert.
    2. They wish they went around.
    3. He wishes it didn’t rain too much.
    4. You wish you had a chance to speak to her.
    -> Câu ước wish dùng để ước 1 điều không có thật ở hiện tại
    -> Form: S+wish(es)+(that)+S+$V_{ed}$/$V_{2}$+O
    -> Lưu ý phải lùi thì

    Trả lời
  2. 1. went
    2. went
    3. didn’t rain
    4. had
    @ Kiến thức :
    – Câu ước hiện tại : S + wish(es) + S + V2/ed +………
    – Mệnh đề chính khẳng định -> giả định phủ định ( ngược lại )

    Trả lời

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