order/ preference/ chosen application/ is required and/ cannot/ altered/ application/ closes. A. The order of

order/ preference/ chosen application/ is required and/ cannot/

altered/ application/ closes.

A. The order of preference chosen in the application is required

and cannot be altered after the application closes.

B. The order of preference has chosen the application which

required and cannot be altered after the application when it closes.

C. The order of preference has chosen that the application is

required and cannot be altered an application after it closes.

D. The order and preference chosen by the application is required

and cannot be altered by an application after closes.

1 bình luận về “order/ preference/ chosen application/ is required and/ cannot/ altered/ application/ closes. A. The order of”

  1. order/ preference/ chosen application/ is required and/ cannot/ altered/ application/ closes.
    $\Rightarrow$ The order of preference has chosen that the application is required and cannot be altered an application after it closes.
    $\rightarrow$ Chọn đáp án $\text{C}$
    $\rightarrow$ Diễn tả một hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ, kéo dài đến hiện tại và có thể tiếp tục trong tương lai: S + have / has + $V_{P(II)}$.
    $\rightarrow$ Dịch: Thứ tự ưu tiên đã chọn rằng ứng dụng là bắt buộc và không thể thay đổi một ứng dụng sau khi nó đóng.

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